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Regional Pest List Manual-23-11-16


Regional Pest List Manual-23-11-16

The material in this manual is an amalgamation of principles, facts, techniques, methodologies, etc. that can be found elsewhere. Every effort was taken to refer the user to the original material cited and other references for further reading, where applicable.

In using this manual, the reader is advised that the principles/methodologies/rules are stated immediately under each main headings and direct quotes/facts/techniques/skills associated with the principles/methodologies are illustrated in boxes.

This manual is not intended for sale but to be used solely for educational purposes to teach and subsequently as reference material by government’s plant protection personnel in the conduct of their duties to protect the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and the wider Caribbean biodiversity from alien invasive species of plant quarantine importance.

File Name: Regional Pest List Manual-23-11-16.pdf
Category: Agriculture
Hits: 1788 Hits
Download: 570 times
Created Date: 28-04-17
Last Updated Date: 15-10-20

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