
The Diplomatic agenda of the OECS is led by the Director General Division, and is focused on strengthening the standing of the Organisation on the International stage, through the enhancement of existing diplomatic ties and partnerships, and the development of new relationships. The Division also continues to lead in the establishment and effective functioning of mechanisms to facilitate the coordination of foreign policy between the OECS and other countries.
Key Diplomatic Units
- International Relations
- Geneva Mission
- Embassies to the European Union
- Eastern Caribbean Laison Service (ECLS)
- Embassies to Morocco
1 - International Relations
The primary function of the OECS International Relations Unit (IRU) is to contribute to the strengthening of the Organisation’s international profile through the pursuit and promotion of relationships with other countries and international institutions and to ensure that maximum benefit is derived from those relations.
The Organisation, through the International Relations Unit, is mobilizing efforts to strengthen existing diplomatic ties with countries and initiate new diplomatic relations between the OECS and other countries. Our priority objectives are:
- to strengthen the external relations of the Organisation in the interest of its membership and in accordance with the provisions of the Revised Treaty of Basseterre,
- to increase bilateral, regional and global partnerships that allow for meaningful exchanges and offer opportunities for the continued development of the Eastern Caribbean region,
- to provide the Organisation with strategic options for the formulation of foreign policies, through the implementation of research and analysis of global trends,
- to develop programmes that aim to increase the institutional capacity of the Organisation and its Member States in the area of diplomacy.
2 - Geneva Mission
This Geneva Mission was established in 2005 in response to the lack of effective OECS presence in the World Trade Organisation (WTO). The Mission monitors, analyses and reports on developments and submits proposals to committees and councils. The opening of the Mission has strengthened the OECS’ capacity to deal with issues relating to their membership in the WTO and the Mission works in close collaboration with The Agency for International Trade Information and Cooperation (AITIC) also located in Geneva.
The key focus of the Mission is increased engagement of the OECS in the work of key trade and development and related international organisations in Geneva, including the World Trade Organisation (WTO), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the World Intellectual Property Organisation, and the International Trade Centre (ITC);
- Represent and advance the interests and positions of the OECS at the WTO in its Regular (monitoring and implementation) Committees and in the multilateral trade negotiations;
- Represent and advance the interests, needs and positions of the OECS in the work of UNCTAD in its three pillars of intergovernmental consensus building; research and analysis; and the provision of technical assistance and capacity building;
- Provide strategic, technical and political advice and analysis to the Commission and the Member States on the work and developments in Geneva;
- Contribute to and participate in the identification and development of OECS interests, concerns and positions within the OECS coordinating and consultative frameworks;
- Provide regular analytical reports on related developments in Geneva;
- Facilitate engagement with development agencies (UNCTAD, ITC, WIPO, WTO and others) for requesting and securing technical and capacity building assistance on trade and related issues;
- Facilitate and provide technical and administrative support to visiting OECS delegations in Geneva;
3 - Embassies to the European Union
The Embassies of the Eastern Caribbean States ECS to the Kingdom of Belgium and Missions to the European Union is a joint diplomatic mission representing and advancing the interests of the Eastern Caribbean States. The ECS Mission in Brussels forms part of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States’ programme of joint diplomatic Missions. The key focus of the ECS is to advance the political, economic and diplomatic interests of Member States that are jointly represented by the Embassy and Mission with a view to strengthening the relationship with the European Union (EU), its constituent States and institutions.
4 - Eastern Caribbean Laison Service (ECLS)
The Eastern Caribbean Liaison Service (ECLS) aims to secure farming jobs in Canada for Nationals of the OECS by working in close collaboration with the Ministries of Labour of participating Member States and the Canadian Government.
In order to secure farming jobs in Canada for Nationals of the OECS, the Eastern Caribbean Liaison Service pursues four (4) priority objectives including:
increasing employment opportunities in Canada each year through the Canada-Caribbean Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (SWAP),
facilitating the access of women to agricultural jobs through the SWAP,
developing secondary & non-agricultural pilot programs (including poultry processing, egg farming and bee-keeping) and,
harmonizing policy guidelines for Ministries of Labour to administer the program.
5 - Embassies to Morocco
The Embassies of Eastern Caribbean States to the Kingdom of Morocco began formal operations on September 09, 2019 in pursuit of mandates issued by Heads of Government of OECS Member States who participated in the 67th Meeting of the OECS Authority held on June 18, 2019 in Antigua and Barbuda.
The Embassies of the Eastern Caribbean States to the Kingdom of Morocco pursue five main objectives including:
Providing regular diplomatic and consular services
Increasing diplomatic engagement of OECS Member States with the Kingdom of Morocco,
Promoting friendship and cooperation,
Advancing community and individual interests of OECS Member States to the Kingdom of Morocco and,
Identifying opportunities of investments and partnerships as well as economic, commercial and cultural exchange within the framework of South-South cooperation.
Leaders of the OECS Diplomatic Space

H.E. Dr. Didacus Jules, Director General of the OECS
His Excellency Dr. Didacus Jules assumed the post of Director General of the OECS in May 2014. He is responsible for driving the regional integration thrust towards a single economic and social space involving ten Eastern Caribbean States. Dr. Didacus Jules had extensive regional and international experience. He served as Registrar and Chief Executive Officer of the Caribbean Examinations Council (2008-2014) leading a thorough modernization of the Council. Dr. Jules has also served as Vice President of Human Resources Cable and Wireless Saint Lucia (2005-2008); Permanent Secretary for Education & Human Resource Development Saint Lucia (1997-2008) as well as Permanent Secretary for Education and Chief Education Officer in revolutionary Grenada from 1981-1983.