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Knowledge Background

OERU Model ICT Policy for Education


 OERU Model ICT Policy for Education


In October 1998, the members of the then Island Representative Committee (IRC) observed that
many of the member states were proceeding to introduce computers into secondary and, in some
cases, primary schools. Although, these interventions of ICT in the classroom were welcomed,
there were worries, however, that these developments were occurring in the absence of a carefully
thought-out plan and guiding policies and strategies. The OERU was therefore requested to assist
the Ministries of Education by preparing generic guidelines, a model policy and strategy that could
then be used by individual Ministries in developing their own individual policies and implementation

File Name: OERU Model ICT Policy for Education.pdf
Category: Education
Hits: 959 Hits
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Created Date: 24-05-16
Last Updated Date: 04-12-24

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